Course Objectives

Upon the completion of the course the student will be able to:


    Articulate the origins of Jihad theory throughout classical Islam and into the modern era


    Understand and explain the early expansion of Islam from the earliest historical sources.


    Understand the theological motivation of radical Muslims.


    Effectively debate Muslims in Jihad theory from the earliest primary sources.


    Compare and contrast Islamic and Christian eschatology.


    Effectively share the gospel with Muslims while asking them well-developed questions about jihad, dawa, sharia, and eschatology.



The unfolding conflict between Islam and the West is not just a clash of cultures—it is a head-to-head confrontation between a religion intent on world dominance and a culture confused and unsettled by rising hatred and violence. In these revealing lectures Dr. Wagner, an experienced Christian missionary to the Muslim world, examines the rapid worldwide growth of Islam and credits it to a well-financed missions strategy. This “loose strategy” is advanced through three tactical methods: jihad (holy war), Da’wah (missions), and mosques (presence). His conclusions about Islam’s growth, which is neither spontaneous nor accidental, should spur Christians on to become much more active in living out their faith and proclaiming the truth found in Jesus Christ. 

Dr. William Wagner (ThD, University of South Africa; DMiss, Fuller Theological Seminary is professor of missions at the Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary and vice president of the Southern Baptist Convention. For more than thirty years he served as a missionary with SBC’s International Mission Board. During that time, he was chairman of the Muslim Awareness Committee of the European Baptist Federation. In addition to teaching, he travels and speaks extensively in the Middle East and Europe, training missionaries for ministry to Muslims.



In this section, Dr. David Cook presents a scholarly look at the history and development of jihad theory and practice from the earliest Islamic sources into modern-day jihad. Prof. Cook provides an honest and direct look at how culture, politics, and religion came together and changed over time. Prof. Cook also looks at radical thought development and Shiite distinctives.

David Cook is an associate professor of religion at Rice University specializing in Islam. He did his undergraduate degrees at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 2002. His areas of specialization include early Islamic history and development, Muslim apocalyptic literature and movements (classical and contemporary), radical Islam, historical astronomy, and Judeo-Arabic literature. Cook is considered a premier scholar and has published numerous books including Martyrdom in Islam: Themes in Islamic History published by Cambridge Press. Cook is continuing to work on classical Muslim apocalyptic literature, translating the sources, such as Nu`aym b. Hammad al-Marwazi’s Kitab al-fitan, as well as having recently become co-editor for Edinburgh University Press’ series on Islamic Apocalyptic and Eschatology (with Christian Lange of the University of Utrecht). He is also sponsoring research on Boko Haram’s ideology, working with Ph.D. student Abdul Basit Kassem and Rice University Post-Graduate Fellow Michael Nwankpa on the group’s texts and videos in order to translate them into English.



In this section New York Times bestselling author Joel Richardson presents the possible role which Islam and Middle Eastern countries may play in end times. Richardson’s presentation shows the similarities between the Biblical Antichrist and Islam’s expectations about a returning Jesus. His explanation of the relationship between Christian end-time prophecy and Islamic expectations of world domination has shocked readers and revolutionized eschatological expectations. He also builds a case for an Islamic Antichrist systematically from Biblical exegesis and proves the long-awaited system of the Antichrist is even now before us and knocking at our door. Through a highly-scholarly, theologically- grounded, yet simple presentation, Richardson thoroughly corrects the objections of critics, establishing the Biblical case for an Islamic Antichrist. 

Joel Richardson is a New York Times bestselling author, filmmaker, and internationally recognized teacher. Joel lives in the United States with his wife and five children. Joel's heart is thoroughly missional, with a special love for all the peoples of the Middle East. Joel travels globally teaching on the Gospel, living with Biblical hope, the return of Jesus, and preparing the Church to face the great challenges of our time.

Course curriculum

    1. Syllabus

    1. Required Reading: The Islamic Conquest of Syria - Al Waqidi

    2. Required Reading: Understanding Jihad by Dr. David Cook (2nd Edition)

    3. Required Reading: 149 Sword Verses with Tafsir from Ibn Kathir

    4. Required Reading: In The Shade Of The Quran- Tafsir by Sayyid Qutb on Sura 9

    5. Required Reading: Tafsir al-Jalalayn Sura 9

    6. Required Reading: Tafsir Ibn Abbas Sura 9

    7. Requried Reading: The Islamic Antichrist by Joel Richardson

    8. Required Reading: Sahih Muslim Book 41 - The Book Pertaining to the Turmoil and Portents of the Last Hour

    9. Required Reading: Why Do They Think Islam is A Religion of Peace Article

    10. Requried Reading: 215,000,000 Christians Persecuted, Mostly by Muslims

    11. Required Reading: The Muslim Claim to Jerusalem

    12. Required Reading: Why do Muslims Hate the Jews?

    13. Required Reading: Turkey, Past and Future Islamic Supremacy Alive and Well

    14. Required Reading: Inscriptions on the Dome of the Rock

    1. Islam's Plans to Change the World: Introduction [Lecture]

    2. Lecture 1 Application

    3. Required Reading: Tafsir by Sayyid Qutb [Prologue p. 1-24]

    4. Islam's Plan to Change The World Through Dawa [Lecture]

    5. Lecture 2 Application

    6. Muslim Doing Dawa in London [Part 1]

    7. Muslim Doing Dawa in London [Part 2]

    8. Required Reading: 149 Sword Verses with Tafsir [pages 1-80]

    1. Islam's Plan to Change The World Through Jihad [Lecture]

    2. Lecture 3 Application

    3. Required Reading: Tafsir by Sayyid Qutb [1. Basis of Inter-Communal Relations]

    4. By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Mulsim Opinions & Demogrphics - Raheel Raza

    5. Islamic Extremists in London

    6. Read: Why Do They Think Islam is A Religion of Peace Article

    7. Required Reading: 149 Sword Verses with Tafsir [pages 81-166]

    1. Islam's Plan to Change The World Through the Mosque [Lecture]

    2. Lecture 4 Application

    3. Read: 215,000,000 Christians Persecuted, Mostly by Muslims

    4. Truth and Fear in Islam [Lecture]

    5. Lecture 5 Application

    6. US Taxpayer Dollars Funding Teaching Islam at Public Schools

    7. Power Encounters with Islam [Lecture]

    8. Lecture 6 Application

    9. Required Reading: Tafsir by Sayyid Qutb [2. Relations with Other Religions]

    1. Intimidation and Persecution in Islam [Lecture]

    2. Lecture 7 Application

    3. Islam's Global Paradigm Shift [Lecture]

    4. Lecture 8 Application

    5. Eschatology and Evangelim in Islam [Lecture]

    6. Lecture 9 Application

    7. Required Reading: Tafsir by Sayyid Qutb [Chapters 3-5]

About this course

  • $880.00
  • 129 lessons
  • 28.5 hours of video content